Chief Editor~ Ricky Jean

God is the greatest creator of all time and when it comes to being the universe’s number one dad– he wins hands down. But for those of us here on earth, much like Jesus, we’ve been given an earthly father to take care of us (Luke 1: 26-27). For the Welcome Kenny Ubeh talked about the Father of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 20-22). He embodied certain key characteristics of a godly father; he was wise, compassionate, and forgiving.

Today’s service was filled with many fathers like this. Disciples are not only amazing servants of God, but they are the greatest fathers anyone could ask for. Another important aspect of the church (DFWICC) are the children, and we have a dedicated crew of disciples (who operate on a three to four month rotation) tasked with taking care of them. So it was very fitting that today they were celebrated as well.

Bob & Barb McMurrary brought out all the Kid’s Kingdom workers from the current and previous rotation to be celebrated on stage. Without a doubt, the people who are chosen to take care of the children are excellent disciples who excel at caring for the young. For Communion Brandon Paris and Romina Hernandez shared a very heart moving message in which she talked about her troubled past.

The good news is God can help us to overcome anything if we ask him (Matthew 19: 26). For the sermon Joey Gregory preached a top tier message. What I got out of it was how we need to please God. It takes unity, a deep knowledge of God our father, and being fruitful in our lives (Colossians 1: 9-10). But the most important thing that was preached today is that God wants everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2: 1-4).

After service we had two new souls who came to be added to God’s kingdom. Both Mikayla and Miyah were added to the book of life today, and many more will be added as we continue spreading the good news.